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The Rock Cocks hit the road.
The Rock Cocks try to win some money.
The Rock Cocks attend a very important meeting.
The Rock Cocks hit up a music studio/mansion.
The Rock Cocks celebrate recording their first album.
The Rock Cocks get stranded in the desert.
The Rock Cocks get some roadside assistance.
The Rock Cocks make their own tour bus.
The Rock Cocks check in at a spooky resort.
The Rock Cocks shoot a music video.
The Rock Cocks go on tour.
The Rock Cocks are pushed aside.
The Rock Cocks hit the road...again.
The Rock Cocks have a new stowaway.
The Rock Cocks become one with nature.
The Rock Cocks need to do some laundry.
The Rock Cocks do some team bonding.
The Rock Cocks do some business.
The Rock Cocks figure some stuff out as they prepare for their next show.
The Rock Cocks give a life-changing performance.